воскресенье, 6 ноября 2011 г.

Hiss idea of fun! The entertainer who puts 3ft long slippery snakes up his nose

Here's a guy with a nose for a long career in show business. But there's one drawback - he has to deal with a lot of slippery characters.
Chinese entertainer Liu Fei, from Jiangxi province, amazingly enjoys putting 3ft long cauliflower snakes up his nose and letting them out of his mouth.
It's a party trick that is not a good idea if a you have got a cold, but 52-year-old Fei finds it sneezy to do.
None the snakes will bite him because they are not venonmous so there is no chance of them being a pain in the asp. 
Scroll down for video
Snake charmer: Entertainer Liu Fei has a nose for a good act by putting these cauliflower snakes to good use
Snake charmer: Entertainer Liu Fei has a nose for a good act by putting these cauliflower snakes to good use
Snakes alive: Entertainer Liu Fei makes the snake crawl through his mouth and nose at his home in Mianyang, China
Snakes alive: Liu Fei makes the snake crawl through his mouth and nose at his home in Mianyang, China
Slippery: A cauliflower snake emerges from the mouth of Liu Fei
Slippery: A cauliflower snake emerges from the mouth of Liu Fei


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